Saturday, June 22, 2013

Online Job in Nepal.

Online Job in Nepal

Nepal is progressing in the field of telecommunication and internet. With this advancement people in reach of internet are also increasing. Internet are connected in their mobile desktop and laptops. But we have to consider the fact that internet users in City area are comparatively higher than in remote or say villages.

With the access of internet 24 hrs, prior to load shedding people are getting to eager to use their time in internet as source of income. With so many advertisement regarding online jobs in newspaper and online videos, most of the youth also want to make it as part of income.

But things are not so easy as seen online. You cannot make 100s of dollars by an hour or even a single unless you are very genius. Many so0ftware experts and yes web developers earn above amount or even more than that. But who only have basic internet skills can find hard time searching such opportunity online. Either the programme may be false or you are having problem in payment mode. So it will be hectic for basic internet users to do online jobs. I was among the basic computer user who was very desperate to do job online and make some payment. With search and search I finally two website which where real and yes they paid me as well. So from there I was some what assured about online job not all but few.

The work in the site is not huge paying . All works are paid in cents starting from  $0.001. You can earn by viewing website and also work on different task and offers which pays better though in cent upto  $0.17. So If you complete 100 task of $0.17 you will earn  $17 , which is not bad.
Similarly you can make referrals and earn even greater. There are many offers which by doing can increase your balance.

Nepalese people are finding hard to get paypal account, so if you have any friends abroad you can use there paypal account. Be sure your friend are reliable or else all your money goes to you friends pocket. If you are finding problem with paypal then no problem International cheque is always there. But you will have to reach your balance to $100. All are very safe.

So if you think you can work online then you can try the below banner. Always remember "Hardworks always pay".Good Luck

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