Monday, May 28, 2012

Bachelor in Pharmacy in Nepal

B. Pharmacy: 4 years

The bachelor of pharmacy degree is designed to provide graduates with the core skills and knowledge required for effective delivery of pharmaceutical care and the ability to proceed to research. The degree covers the study of the chemical, physical, pharmaceutical, and pharmacological properties of medicinal substances and the application of these in the pharmacy profession. Graduates have the ability to serve the community and improve the quality of use of medicines. They also have the opportunity, as professional pharmacists, to improve the quality of life of the people they meet in the course of their work.  

Career Opportunities: Hospitals, Pharmaceutical industries, Communities, Quality Control Lab, Research and Development, Drug Administration, Academia.

1. Institute of Medicine(IOM), T.U.
  • Maharajgunj Campus - 14 seats (7+7)
    (Out of 14 seats, 7 are reserved for candidates from Health Science stream and 7 seats are for candidates from General Science stream)
  • School of Medical Science(NIST College), Kathmandu
  • Sunsari Technical College, Sunsari

2. Kathmandu University (K.U.) - 40 seats
Question Pattern
Science-80, Math-20
50% in Isc./10+2Science/D. Pharmacy
Entrance Exam
Shrawan second week
Entrance exam and interview on merit basis.
3. Pokhara University - 30 seats
50% in I. Sc./10+2Science/D. Pharmacy
Entrance Exam
Bhadra third week
100% entrance basic
4. Purbanchal University (P.U.) 
Question Pattern
Science-50, Health-50
50% in Isc./10+2 Science/D.Pharmacy
Entrance Exam
Ashwin Second week
100% Entrance Basis
  •  Little Buddha College, Gyaneshwor,Kathmandu
  • Karnali College of Health Science,Ratopul,Kathmandu
  • Hope Int’I College,Satdobato,Lalitpur
  • Valley College of Technical Science,Mid Baneshwor,Kathmandu
  • Asian College for Advanced Studies,Satdobato,Lalitpur
  • Manmohan Memorial Institute of Health Science,Nakhkhu,Lalitpur
  • Shree Medical and Technical College,Bharatpur,Chitwan

1 comment:

  1. i want to know the fee structure of b.pharm in tu, ku and pu
